Stop the Dirty water Bill

Once again our waterways are being threatened by new legislation. Both the Senate and The House are attempting to undermine the Clean water Act of 1972 which could negatively affect one-fifth of the nation’s wetlands. SEA firmly believes these attempts to de-regulate our waterways will have negative impacts on our drinking water supply and the […]


As part of efforts to protect waves around the world, Surfrider Foundation Europe (EU), Surfrider Foundation (US/INTERNATIONAL) Dr. Tony Butt (UK), in partnership with Save The Waves Coalition (US) Surfers Against Sewage (UK), Salvem o Surfer (PORT) and other partners, organized the first major international conference on the recognition of the value of the waves […]

New rules proposed by Gov. Christie in regard to overall access

Governor Christie is proposing that each NJ Municipality make its own beach access rules. Current rules require public access points, restrooms, parking, etc at 1/4 mile intervals, especially if a town wants beach replenishment funding.  Before the state mandated uniform access rules, towns severely limited public access and surfers were sometimes arrested just for walking […]

New beach replenishment issue

Monmouth Beach and possibly North Long Branch will begin another sand pumping project this fall. Congressman Pallone and Senator Menendez have successfully obtained millions of dollars from the federal government and Governor Christie is kicking in a few million more from the broke state of NJ to replenish most of Monmouth Beach. This will completely […]