Paddle Tomorrow?

27 days left till SEAPaddleNYC Wanna go for a paddle tomorrow? Meet some of the gang at PADDLE OUT Manasquan 7AM – for the hardcore 8 AM – for the leisurely 537 E. MAin ST. Bring your board if u need to rent call them @ 732-223-3131 .


On June 14, the US Maritime Administration (MARAD) announced Liberty LNG’s application for “Port Ambrose,” an LNG facility off of Long Branch, NJ and 17 nautical miles south of Jones Beach, NY. The project is the exact same proposal that was vetoed by New Jersey’s Governor Chris Christie in 2011 with a different location and a […]

SEA Paddle NYC 2013

Save the date!  This year’s paddle will be on August 9th, 2013.  Details to follow!  Thank you for your patience.  Due to the the extensive storm damage on NYC’s waterfront, caused by Hurricane Sandy, SEA needed to perform some extensive investigating and planning.  We look forward to seeing all of you!  All of the detailed information […]